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Dafydd Enoch KC is a highly experienced senior Silk who appears in the most serious cases. He both prosecutes and defends in all areas of criminal law. He specialises in gang related crime, crime involving complex medical issues and complex fraud. He also practices in a wide range of regulatory disciplines and in family law.
Following a successful pupillage, Isabella accepted an invitation to join chambers in October 2024.
John is a highly experienced criminal practitioner, who acts for both prosecution and defence, dealing with cases of the utmost gravity and sensitivity, many of which have attracted widespread publicity. The focus of John's practice has been homicide, serious sexual offences, drugs conspiracies and fraud. He is also a member at 9 Park Place Chambers, Cardiff. John has a particular specialism in modern day slavery cases and led the prosecution team in the trial of Operation Imperial, which arose from the largest police investigation into modern day slavery in Wales. He is well accustomed to leading a team of lawyers in the presentation of complex cases to a jury. John has frequently represented professional or high profile individuals accused of serious crime. These include professional sportsmen and police officers. John's expertise has led to him conducting training in POCA and financial crime issues for lawyers and police officers in the Caribbean. John is an accredited pupil supervisor and has been a category 4 prosecutor for over 20 years.
Following a successful pupillage, Jonny accepted an invitation to join chambers in October 2024.
Areas of Specialisation Kenneth has appeared in almost every type of criminal case, including treason, murder, robberies, rapes, frauds, drugs and cigarettes importations conspiracies, extradition, obscene publications, international plant and car ringing conspiracies and telephone sales conspiracies amongst others, offences against children, offences under the Proceeds of Crime Act and money laundering, misconduct in a public office. Previously he was on the Attorney-General's Panel of Counsel, List A. He was approved to prosecute cases of great weight, complexity and public importance, and was approved at Grade 4 on the CPS External Advocate Scheme. Currently, his criminal practice centres on defence work. Collecting and presenting foreign evidence in court, he has particular experience in the international aspects of criminal investigations and procedures. He has made a speciality of the impact of the European Court of Human Rights on the English Criminal law and the application of the Human Rights Act to English case law. He had a substantial practice in both defence and prosecution across all areas of crime, more notably white-collar crime, fraud and corruption. Ken has also advised on police investigations into the activities of major criminals, and into the alleged crimes of police officers.
Matthew Keliris-Thomas
Matthew’s criminal advocacy has won the praise of judges and clients. His courtroom ability is supplemented by his public and immigration work. Matthew accepts instructions both prosecuting and defending in the Magistrates’ and Crown Court. His cases cover the full gamut of criminal law including serious violent crimes, offensive weapons, domestic violence, sexual offences, fraud and dishonesty, drug offences and road traffic offences. He has also been successful for clients in proceedings relating to DVPOs, SHPOs and other orders. Matthew has a growing practice in public law adjacent to his criminal practice and appears regularly in extradition and inquiry matters. Matthew also has experience of appeal work, producing advices and grounds for appeal to the Court of Appeal and High Court as part of his practice. Before coming to the Bar, Matthew was part of the National Crime Agency’s legal team. He advised on public and serious crime, particularly RIPA/IPA, data exploitation, EncroChat, modern slavery and police powers. Matthew then moved to the Attorney General’s Office to lead the Annual Review of Disclosure 2021/22, writing the subsequent Disclosure Guidelines 2022. During his time at the AGO Matthew was seconded for a period to the crisis team dealing with international prosecutions stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Siobhan Cawkwell
Siobhan Cawkwell has a busy criminal practice in the Crown, Youth, and Magistrates’ Court. She already has experience in a wide range of cases including armed robberies, drug conspiracies and dangerous driving matters. She receives both privately and publicly funded instructions. She is a Grade 1 prosecutor.
Peter Rouch KC