Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Mehvish Chaudhry
Harcourt Chambers
‘Mehvish is a brilliant advocate who is never fazed by anything or daunted by anyone. She is always very well prepared and extremely good with clients. She is a go-to for complex international children's cases.’
Martha Cover
Coram Chambers
'Martha is clever, gets on well with judges whilst able to appropriately challenge the Local Authority's case. She is not afraid to think laterally in order to bring about the best outcome for her client. She fights for justice for those whom she represents.'
Claire Heppenstall
1GC | Family Law
‘Claire is an excellent barrister who is extremely well-prepared and good on her feet. She is a highly effective advocate, robust and calm under pressure. She has excellent judgement and builds rapport with clients easily and well. Her advice is clear and concise. She is very responsive, on email and the phone and highly organised. She produces paperwork promptly and in good time.’
Justine Johnston
‘Justine is always incredibly well-prepared and clear and direct in her advice. She knows the law and procedure inside out and strives to achieve the best possible outcome for all her clients.’
Caroline Lister
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Caroline is a very accomplished advocate and thinks quickly on her feet. She works very hard for the client. She is open to working things through to find the best solution giving matters a lot of thought. She is extremely user-friendly with a relaxed and friendly approach making her a go-to barrister on difficult cases.’
Jacqueline Renton
‘Jacqueline is a phenomenal and extraordinary barrister. She is hugely supportive of clients and strives to achieve the best outcomes for them. She has excellent judgement, and invariably her call on the case is where it lands.’
Steven Ashworth
1GC | Family Law
‘Steven is always fully prepared for every hearing. He is incredibly diligent and hard-working, and his attention to detail is impressive. In cross-examination, he is forensic and commands the attention of his tribunal. He knows his papers inside out and is child-centred in his approach to advocacy.’
Jonathan Bennett
42BR Barristers
‘Jonathan is always very hardworking, thorough and concise and goes the extra mile - he maintains a calmness throughout, which is always helpful in cases where tensions can be high.’
Sally Bradley
‘Sally has excellent forensic analysis of the evidence and the relevant law. She is hard-working and thoughtful, with great communication skills. She has the ear of the judge and is eloquent but down-to-earth, sensible yet creative, and judges respond to her very well.’
Michael Edwards
‘Michael is an astonishing tactician. He is measured and thoughtful, thorough and knowledgeable. He does not need to be aggressive because he is always one step ahead of the other side. He is kind, sensible and straight talking. Clients and judges love him.’
Rebecca Foulkes
‘Rebecca is a master tactician. She is robust - she always stands up for the client in court and helps clients to be realistic. Her advocacy is clever, strategic and insightful.’
Kate Grieve
The 36 Group
‘Kate is a very strong advocate who is always well-prepared. She provides good feedback and help when working together on a case.’
Daisy Hughes
1GC | Family Law
‘Daisy is a formidable children's barrister, a great tactician, able to move the chess pieces strategically and at the right pace to secure the best outcomes. Her client care skills are second to none.’
Katherine Kelsey
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Katherine is exceptional at both children and money work. She is very user-friendly and loved by solicitors. She provides early, clear and strategic advice.’
Christopher Miller
‘Christopher has meticulous attention to detail. He is proactive in his thinking on behalf of clients. He is a calm but tenacious advocate and very quick at thinking on his feet when needed.’
Jennifer Perrins
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Jennifer is incredibly intelligent. She is the best junior barrister in international child abduction matters, and her knowledge of the law in this area is second to none. She is approachable and always goes out of her way to provide first-class advice. Her client care skills are excellent, and she is very good at giving firm advice to clients and being realistic about the prospect of their cases.’
Katie Phillips
42BR Barristers
‘Katie is a talented advocate who always has a firm grasp of the detail and nuances in any case where she is instructed. She is very user-friendly and always willing to go the extra mile for her clients.’
Baldip Singh Aulak
No5 Barristers' Chambers
  ‘Baldip has strong interpersonal skills. He is empathetic and able to explain complex issues to vulnerable clients. He is a skilled litigator, and his advocacy in court is always persuasive.’
Samantha Woodham
‘Samantha has amazing insight into a case very quickly. She has the ear of the court and makes meaningful submissions which land will with tribunals. She is very empathetic with clients and gives difficult advice in a way in which they feel hugely supported and able to make decisions. She is focused on the settlement but not at all costs. She has huge attention to detail and is a wonderful advocate.’
Nicholas Anderson
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Nicholas is a calm, clear and effective advocate. He exudes gravitas and knows what to say and when to say it. His client manner is exceptional, with calming manner for the client.’
Lee Arnot
29 Bedford Row Chambers
‘Lee is exceptionally well-prepared and has an amazing rapport with the clients. His advocacy is sublime. It can be transfixing. He is well prepared, knows the law, is great with the client and is responsive.’
Chris Barnes
‘Chris is academically sharp, thoughtful and insightful with his cases. He relishes the law and is committed to making sure it progresses to reflect society. He is excellent to work with as part of a team - pleasant yet oozing confidence.’
Edward Bennett
Harcourt Chambers
‘Edward is an excellent advocate. The way he puts his client's case always sounds eminently reasonable, as though it must be the correct outcome, successfully persuading judges and magistrates alike to decide in his client's favour. His written submissions are also second to none.’
Sharan Bhachu
42BR Barristers
'A determined and fierce advocate. She has the winning combination of tenacity, fabulous client care, and a razor sharp legal mind.'
Alison Easton
Coram Chambers
' A very clear thinker with great economy in her written and oral advocacy. She has encyclopaedic knowledge of the papers and focused attention to the most relevant parts. A real star of the family Bar.'
Matthew Fletcher
1GC | Family Law
‘Matthew is detailed and thorough, and his paperwork is always immaculate. He knows his cases well and has a great manner with clients. He is happy to help in between hearings as necessary. His advocacy is robust yet understated - and very effective.’
Alev Giz
1GC | Family Law
‘Alev is very calm with clients, and when she is in court, she exudes an air of authority and puts forward the client's cases professionally. She can argue points no other person has thought of and is very sharp on her feet.’
Paul Hepher
‘Paul is an exceptional barrister who is very adept in his field. He delivers his statements and submissions confidently and comprehensively. His examination in chief and cross-examination skills are excellent. He provides impressive verbal and written advice, which adds invaluable insight into a case.’
Mary Hughes
One Pump Court
‘Mary adopts a sensible and practical approach to cases. She provides clear and realistic advice for clients, tailored to the individual client's level of understanding. She has a collaborative approach and is extremely responsive.’
Eleri Jones
1GC | Family Law
‘Eleri really is the dream package - so brilliant and quick, a ferociously brilliant mind, and an absolute dream to instruct. Notwithstanding her brilliant and forensic mind, she operates with patience, grace and steely focus and determination.’
Brian Jubb
‘Brian is a calm and pragmatic approach. He is knowledgeable and well-prepared. He has excellent advocacy skills and a safe pair of hands.’
Karen Kabweru-Namulemu
1GC | Family Law
 ‘Karen is an extremely hardworking and likeable barrister who is empathetic but practical, offering sensitive advice even when difficult for a client to hear. She is a great support throughout the case, even after the conclusion.’
Alexander Laing
Coram Chambers
'Alexander is able to do his job with such skill and make it look so easy. His advocacy is exceptional. He is measured, patient and persuasive. He can read the judge and knows when to push and when to not.'
Amanda Meusz
Garden Court Chambers
‘Amanda is a complete professional, diligent, efficient and completely reliable. She is a fearless advocate who is never shy to fight the corner for vulnerable clients.’
Andrew Powell
'An expert on surrogacy and the modern family. Andrew's preparation is stellar - his notes show a mastery of the law and facts. Judges hang on his advocacy, which balances persuasion with an empathy for the cases he deals with.'
Charlotte Proudman
Goldsmith Chambers
‘Charlotte is an excellent and fearless advocate. She is extremely hard-working, produces excellent cogent submissions, is wonderful with clients, is a great team player and is a superb talent. She is also a highly-regarded academic.’
Andrew Shaw
New Court Chambers
‘Andrew is organised, clear and realistic with his legal approach. He has excellent interpersonal and communication skills. He always works in the best interest of the client.’
Kate Tompkins
The 36 Group
‘Kate possesses an unparalleled ability to manage complex children cases and is hugely impressive on her feet. In court, Kate is solution focused and tenacious. She has the expertise and a warm personality and always brings benefits to a case. She is particularly good at extremely complex public law matters, and her advice is firm whilst being results driven.’
Poonam Bhari
Poonam Bhari
'Poonam is pragmatic, methodical, and sympathetic and fights for clients. She puts clients at ease and makes them feel that they are being listened to.'
Onyoja Momoh
Onyoja Momoh
5 Pump Court
‘Onyoja is always on point and well-versed in the areas of law. She is always very well prepared and does her research. She is a very experienced litigator, approachable and helpful.’
Giles Bain
New Court Chambers
‘Giles is very good and approachable to clients of all levels. He knows the law very well, and his knowledge leads to excellent outcomes for clients.’
Charlotte Baker
‘Charlotte is a tenacious and formidable advocate while possessing the skills to understand and empathise with her clients. She has a phenomenal knowledge of the law. Her advice and input into a case are always invaluable. As an advocate, she is fearless. She is always well-prepared and strategic in her approach, her cross-examination is meticulous, and she leaves no stone unturned.’
Ami Bartholomew
No5 Barristers' Chambers
  ‘Ami is a fierce advocate and commands the courtroom. She is very thorough with her preparation and grasps concepts well within a case. She is very strong in putting a client’s case forward and is very well-liked by clients for her direct and honest approach.’
Sarah Branson
Coram Chambers
'She is very experienced in representing clients where mental health is a key issue. She knows the law and arguments for vulnerable clients with mental health issues.'
Joan Connell
‘Joan is committed to client care of the highest standard. She is approachable and helpful towards her instructing solicitor. She goes above and beyond for her clients. She works tirelessly on cases, always achieving the best possible outcome for clients.’
Francesca Dowse
‘Francesca is a very strong advocate. She is tenacious and strongly makes her client’s case. She is incredibly personable, and clients love her because she installs great confidence in them.’
Joanne Ecob
The 36 Group
‘Joanne is empathetic and supportive, possessing a good client matter. She devises a good strategy and is robust and clear in her paperwork and court.’
Rob George
Harcourt Chambers
‘Rob has extensive knowledge of all aspects of children's law, including complex proceedings. He is superb at technically detailed cases and those with complex jurisdictional issues. He has a calm, charming manner, is ferociously bright and is a great strategist. He is diligent, unflappable, precise, clear and effective.’
Victoria Green
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Victoria is a skilled advocate with an abundance of knowledge of international children's matters. She has a wonderful manner with clients and is well-prepared and listens to her clients, and effectively delivers arguments.’
George Harley
The 36 Group
‘George is a great advocate, and clients love him. He's very passionate about his work and fights for his clients.’
Bianca Jackson
Coram Chambers
'Bianca is a brilliant barrister. Her knowledge of the law is excellent and she is always compassionate to clients. Bianca is very easy to talk to, which makes a difference to clients in care proceedings. '
Emily James
1GC | Family Law
'Emily is a go-to advocate for complex children's matters. She is experienced and extremely well-prepared. She gives regular feedback to solicitors to assist and is willing to respond if issues arise on long-running cases.'
Ramanjit Kang
Coram Chambers
'Ramanjit is an extremely strong advocate on her feet, able to think quickly and deal with any issues that arise without anything fazing her. She is highly tenacious and will fight strongly for her client and their best interests to the utmost, even in the face of strong opposition.'
Doushka Krish
1GC | Family Law
‘Doushka's advocacy is calm, collected and reasoned. She is always well-prepared and very persuasive, ensuring her client's needs are met. She has a good rapport with clients and the judiciary and experience in both public and private matters, which is extremely helpful in complex private matters.’
Henry Lamb
1GC | Family Law
‘Henry is intuitive and gets straight to the issues in the case. He prepares his cases with an eye for detail and forensic analysis.’
Stephen Lue
Garden Court Chambers
‘Stephen is highly dedicated to his profession and his clients. He is calm and collected in court. His advocacy is of a high standard.’
Oliver Millington
Deka Chambers
 'Oliver is an excellent advocate and is very knowledgeable about children's law matters. His written material is second to none, and his advocacy style is robust. He fights for his clients and is a dream to work with.'
Anarkali Musgrave
Coram Chambers
'Anarkali is forensic and thorough with the evidence and sees points of argument which no one else has seen. She is flawless in court and her client care is always well attuned to the specific needs of the individual.'  
Richard O’Sullivan
Coram Chambers
'Richard has a very calm and relaxed style but always manages to maintain a rigorous and relentless focus on the relevant issues, which judges appreciate hugely. In submissions, he exudes clarity and efficiency, making his points powerfully which is very persuasive. His manner with lay clients is hand-on, making sure that they fully understand the issues and his approach, feel engaged and empowered.'
Judith Pepper
Coram Chambers
'Judith is an incredibly talented barrister, especially when it comes to matters which require significant forensic evidence challenging. She really is able to look at both the small minutiae but also the larger picture, allowing the lay client to have a well-rounded, full representation.'
Emily Rayner
Harcourt Chambers
‘Emily is tactically smart and offers great client care. Her approach is calm and measured, but she has a steely resolve and an ability to cut to the chase and get things done.’
Tara Vindis
Deka Chambers
‘Tara is excellent. She is a robust advocate who remains calm and measured even in the most challenging situations. She is a go-to barrister for cases involving physical abuse of children due to her medical knowledge and detailed grasp of complex medical evidence.’
Pamela Warner
1GC | Family Law
‘Pamela is respected and knowledgeable. She is a safe pair of hands. Her draft is concise and detailed, and her advocacy is second-to-none in terms of results.’
Andrea Watts
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Andrea is exceptionally knowledgeable in children's matters, including private, public and international matters. She is a skilled advocate who is exceptional at dealing with clients and arguing a case calmly and effectively.’
Ceri White
‘Ceri is a logical advocate. She is concise and pulls out the finite details to enhance the client's position methodically and how the court will balance the client's evidence whilst adopting a sympathetic yet robust manner.’
Tom Wilson
1GC | Family Law
‘Tom is a fantastic court advocate who treats everyone with grace and respect. He is always thoroughly prepared, his cross-examination is well thought out, and he gets to the core of the issues.’
Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
 ‘Chris is an exceptional advocate and always has the ear of the court. His submissions are informed, well-researched, and his ability to get to the heart of the issues in cross-examination is always impressive.’
Baljinder Bath
‘Baljinder is a fearless advocate who fights for her client's best interests. She is able to see to the heart of complex matters quickly and easily providing practical and helpful advice. He is a meticulous advocate with a detailed knowledge of the law.’
Miriam Best
‘Miriam is meticulous in her preparation and skilled in dealing with complex children's matters, including serious allegations of domestic violence. She approaches every case with empathy. She is very thorough in her preparation of cases and an excellent advocate.’
Amanda Bewley
Coram Chambers
'Amanda is very personable with a quiet confidence and is very dedicated to her clients. Her written advocacy is excellent and when addressing the court orally always tends to have the ear of the judge, due to her understated but knowledgeable and well prepared style.'
Rachel Chan
42BR Barristers
' Rachel is a wonderful advocate; articulate, concise and engaging. She always knows the finer details of her cases and weaves them into her submissions and cross-examination with skill. She works with extremely vulnerable clients and people against whom the most serious allegations have been made and always presents their case fearlessly. '
Malcolm Chisholm
1GC | Family Law
‘Malcolm is a hugely dependable advocate. He has excellent client care skills and is a pleasure to work with as a solicitor.’
Fenella Cooil
The 36 Group
‘Fenella is an outstanding children's law barrister. She has a wonderfully warm manner with clients yet ensures that she provides clear and detailed advice. She is accessible and very hardworking.’
Kathryn Cronin
Garden Court Chambers
'Kathryn is one of a kind. She has an encyclopaedic knowledge of immigration and family law. She is a go-to barrister for extremely complex adoption and surrogacy cases.'
Thomas Dance
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Thomas is an excellent advocate, even amongst the toughest opponents. He has great judgement and cuts through to the real issues. He is available and responds quickly and comprehensively.’
Katherine Dunseath
1GC | Family Law
'Katherine is a force to be reckoned with. She shows total commitment to her cases, is very well prepared and has a great rapport with clients.'
Melissa Elsworth
1GC | Family Law
‘Melissa is excellent with the details of any complex private law children case. She also has a kind bedside manner, is willing to listen and is very supportive of vulnerable clients.’
Gill Honeyman
Coram Chambers
'Gill has a forensic intelligence and is able to adapt her advocacy to the particular circumstances of the case and her client to achieve the best possible outcome.'
Marcia Hyde
42BR Barristers
'Marcia is an excellent advocate in both written and oral advocacy. Her written documents are thoughtful and measured but effective. She recognises the strengths of her case and does not waste energy on issues that are not persuasive. She balances this with forceful and persistent advocacy on persuasive and relevant aspects of her case.'
Stephen Jarmain
1 King’s Bench Walk
'Stephen is very bright, has fantastic attention to detail, and is a strategic thinker who sees the bigger picture with a calm and reassuring presence in a crisis. He is highly intelligent and accomplished.'
Helen Jefferson
1GC | Family Law
‘Helen is a superb advocate, highly respected by peers and the judiciary. She has quick thinking and is robust in submissions and cross-examination. She is always incredibly well-prepared and knows a case inside out. She has brilliant drafting skills and is amazing with clients – extremely personable with a real skill to put clients at ease.’
Kate Lamont
Deka Chambers
'Kate is hardworking, honest and detailed. She is a skilled advocate, both written and oral. She has a forensic knowledge of case law, and the position statements always contain authorities to bolster legal arguments.'
Jessica Lee
1GC | Family Law
'Jessica is an excellent barrister. She is courteous to opponents and judges alike. She retains an admirable calm in her court demeanour and advocacy, which is very effective in gaining the ear of the judge. She is always well-prepared, and her knowledge of the latest legal developments and case law is second to none.'
Rhiannon Lloyd
‘Rhiannon is incredibly capable. She has an excellent ability to think on her feet, and she instils immediate confidence in clients facing very challenging issues. She robustly fights clients' corners, and her preparation is superb.’
Olivia Magennis
1GC | Family Law
‘Olivia is an excellent advocate, clear, concise and pragmatic. She is great in terms of thinking of strategy and the bigger picture. She is an extremely strong and persuasive advocate. She has amazing client rapport and is a go-to barrister in complex children's act matters.’
Ann May
33 Bedford Row
‘Ann is a very diligent and client-focused advocate. Her eye for detail is like no other, and she goes above and beyond at hearings. She has a unique advocacy style, which is succinct and to the point, and her written submissions are fantastic.’
Alison Moore
1GC | Family Law
‘Alison is an excellent advocate who is calm and courteous to witnesses, which is very effective. Her legal arguments are clear, and her written documents are well-drafted. She is a go-to barrister in complex cases.’
Joseph Moore
1GC | Family Law
‘Joseph is an exceptionally thorough advocate. His legal knowledge is second to none, and he is always available to work with solicitors as a team to get the best outcome for clients. He is a skilled negotiator whilst being a persuasive advocate on his feet.’
Lisa Peacock
‘Lisa is an amazing barrister. She is excellent with vulnerable clients and is highly talented at managing cases to achieve positive outcomes for her clients.’
Sophie Prolingheuer
1GC | Family Law
‘Sophie is very thorough in her preparation. She is professional and diligent on behalf of the children. Her advocacy is clear and well thought out.’
Matthew Richardson
Coram Chambers
'Matthew has an incredible ability to think on his feet, and to think outside of the box. He has a wonderful mind. These skills are ideal for an advocate and translate to his oral and written advocacy seamlessly. '
Deborah Seitler
33 Bedford Row
‘Deborah is a very thorough barrister. She is empathetic towards the clients and has great attention to detail. She goes above and beyond for her clients.’
Ranjit Singh
‘Ranjit is a very skilled and fluent advocate. He has a calm and measured approach, which makes him popular with clients. He has extensive knowledge of the law and is always able to get to the very heart of the issues in the case.’
Matthew Stott
Harcourt Chambers
‘Matthew demonstrates a firm understanding of the issues and is very well prepared. He has strong advocacy skills, able to present his client’s case, and fearsome cross-examination.’
Julia Townend
‘Julia is extremely smart, tactically very astute and always knows the papers inside out. She has an excellent eye for detail and is an excellent negotiator. Her client care is impeccable, and her advocacy is focused and laser-sharp, which judges appreciate.’
Sarah Tyler
Coram Chambers
'She works phenomenally hard for her clients and has tremendous empathy. If you want a barrister who fights for you with all her strength, she’s the one.'
Kate Van Rol
‘Kate is an extremely tenacious advocate. She argues her client's position robustly and forcefully in court. She is well-prepared and good with clients.’
Sam Wallace
New Court Chambers
‘Sam is a kind and thoughtful advocate who always prepares his cases to the highest standard. He is always completely in control of the evidence, no matter how complex. He is always calm and measured in his approach. His advocacy in court is excellent.’
Kelly Webb
The 36 Group
‘Kelly is a fighter in difficult cases who can quickly get to grips with a case.She is empathetic with clients who feel she is fighting their corner.’
Rebekah Wilson
No5 Barristers' Chambers
 ‘Rebekah is a fearsome and skilful advocate. Her advocacy skills are second to none. She is extremely analytical and is well respected by solicitors, legal executives, fellow barristers and judges. She is very approachable and able to relate with clients. Her writing skills are also exceptional.’
Katie Wood
‘Katie is a persuasive advocate. Her preparation and written work are second to none, and her eye for detail is outstanding. She is always the first-choice barrister.’
Oliver Woolley
1GC | Family Law
‘Oliver has superb attention to detail, he is always very well prepared, and his advocacy is calm, measured and persuasive. He provides pragmatic and focused advice.’
Jack Harrison
Jack Harrison
Coram Chambers
‘Robust in court, clear and concise. A delight to work with.'
James Norman
James Norman
4 Brick Court
‘James is thorough, motivated, pleasant, and hard-working, and his case management and guidance are exemplary. Both oral and written advocacy is highly competent.’
Ronan O’Donovan
Ronan O’Donovan
‘Ronan is committed to client care of the highest standard. He has a pragmatic approach but deals with clients in a sensitive and friendly way. He prepares cases very thoroughly and has real attention to detail. He always has the ear of the court.’
Kyle Squire
Kyle Squire
Coram Chambers
 ‘Kyle is extremely knowledgeable and reassuring towards clients and is always contactable and well-prepared. He is an excellent advocate.’
Trisan Hyatt
Trisan Hyatt
5 Pump Court
‘Trisan is highly industrious and first-class preparation of extensive, voluminous papers. She is very engaging with the client and has excellent manners.’
Tabitha Barran
Deka Chambers
'Tabitha is a calm and measured advocate who always has her client's best interests at heart. She is very child-focused in her approach to cases. She is sympathetic to vulnerable clients and will ensure they can participate fully in proceedings.'
Emily Beer
‘Emily’s advocacy and knowledge of the papers are second to none. She is sharp and detailed and makes strong submissions on behalf of her clients, even against the odds.’
Helen Brander
Pump Court Chambers
 ‘Helen is always impeccably prepared. Her documents are robust, clear and always focused on the crucial aspects of the case. She is reliable and consistently excellent in preparation in advocacy and when dealing with clients. Her advocacy is precise, robust and tenacious where necessary.’
Laura Bumpus
Deka Chambers
‘Laura is a strong advocate and impressive in her cross-examination. She is well-prepared, provides sound advice and is a safe pair of hands.’ 
Marlene Cayoun
1GC | Family Law
'Marlene is extremely well organized when it comes to voluminous evidential material. She can understand and distil central points from complex medical evidence. She is an able advocate to whom judges listen.'
Fareha Choudhury
1GC | Family Law
'Fareha is always fully prepared and can change her communication style depending on the client. She is a brilliant advocate who will always fight her client's corner to ensure they are heard.'
Kate Claxton
42BR Barristers
 ‘Kate is exceptional with clients, extremely competent and very knowledgeable barrister. She is tactically excellent, tenacious and determined. She is extremely hard-working and truly an exceptional barrister.’
Helen Compton
‘Helen has the skill to grasp the crux of the case effortlessly. She is able to deal with vulnerable clients with exceptional competence and ease.’
Caroline Croft
Coram Chambers
‘Caroline is extremely strong in cross-examination. She really digests the whole case and even picks up on small details that make all the difference. She is great with clients, very empathetic and explains clearly to them in plain language.’
Greg Davies
'Greg is a fantastic advocate. He has meticulous attention to detail, particularly in cases where there is complex medical evidence. He has a commanding presence in the courtroom, and judges listen carefully to his submissions. He develops an excellent rapport with lay clients.'
Paula Diaz
Field Court Chambers
‘Paula is an excellent advocate, always well-prepared and has a good knowledge of legal principles. She is a robust opponent in the most complex care cases.’
Luke Eaton
1GC | Family Law
‘Luke is an exceptional barrister with a brilliant eye for detail. He is loved by clients and solicitors alike for his kind and approachable manner.’
Charlotte Georges
 ‘Charlotte is extremely capable, focused on detail, excellent client manner-realistic advice whilst being on side and confidence building. Her advocacy is also exceptional under pressure.’ 
Anne-Marie Glover
Coram Chambers
‘Anne-Marie combines excellent client care and forensic skills. Her preparation is extensive and immaculate. She is fearless in representing her clients and gives clear, measured advice.’ 
Martha Gray
Harcourt Chambers
'Martha is a calm yet persuasive advocate. She is exceptional on her feet and has command of the courtroom. She is excellent for care proceedings. Her written work is exemplary, as is her client care.'
Jason Green
Harcourt Chambers
‘Jason has a can-do attitude. He has the utmost professionalism but is quickly able to gain the trust and respect of the client involved. He takes the time to understand the client’s needs and how best to achieve their desired outcome. His advocacy is faultless.’
Jemimah Hendrick
New Court Chambers
'Jemimah is hard-working, bright and dedicated. She is practical and sensible. She is the perfect combination of what a barrister should be.'
Martha Holmes
1 King’s Bench Walk
'Martha is an excellent barrister. She is a strong and confident advocate who robustly advocates for her clients. She deals with complex cases with ease, is always well-prepared and will go the extra mile for her clients. Her strategic advice is sound and child-focused.'
Catherine Jenkins
1GC | Family Law
'Catherine is quick to get to the heart of the matter. She is excellent in court and clears the approach. Her advice and expertise on complex matters are always an enormous assistance. She inspires confidence in clients with her approach.'
Gemma Kelly
1GC | Family Law
‘Gemma is an imaginative and lateral thinker. She is an excellent advocate in the face of often serious opposing arguments by others. She remains calm and focused and is always very well-prepared.’
Kyri Lefteri
New Court Chambers
‘Kyri is tenacious, clearly reads the papers well and prepares for cases meticulously. His advocacy is clear and forthright.’
Richard Little
42BR Barristers
'Richard is a calm and impressive advocate. His ability to digest complex evidence whilst constantly focussing on the issues of the case means your case remains solution focussed.'
Imogen Lloyd-Thomas
1 King's Bench Walk
 ‘Imogen's strength is her professionalism and attention to detail, which is second to none. She always thinks two steps ahead and is excellent star in the making.’ 
Ben Mansfield
The 36 Group
'Ben is approachable, full of energy and genuinely interested in his cases. He becomes fully absorbed and gives each case his heart and soul. He is creative, thinks out of the box and usually steps ahead.'
Philip McCormack
42BR Barristers
'Philip is calm and confident in his style. He has excellent attention to detail, puts clients at ease and is highly skilled when it comes to cross-examination.'
Max Melsa
Deka Chambers
 ‘Max is meticulous in his preparation for cases. He is a persuasive advocate and produces excellent pleadings that get to the heart of the issues in the case. He belies his call with his stellar representation.’ 
Harry Nosworthy
'Harry is an excellent barrister. His preparation and written work are of an extremely high quality. He has superb client management skills and is a skilled and canny advocate.’
Patrick Paisley
1GC | Family Law
'Patrick is an excellent advocate. He is meticulous in his preparation and has an eye for detail. His documents are thorough, precise and persuasive. He can distil and present extensive and complex information clearly and logically.'
Tahmina Rahman
1GC | Family Law
'Tahmina is an impressive advocate. She communicates clients' cases calmly and clearly. She is thorough, and the depth of her knowledge in this area is always so helpful. She is approachable and collaborative to work with, which is also really helpful for clients. She is a go-to counsel in children's law cases.'
Lubeya Ramadhan
 ‘Lubeya is an absolute diamond to work with. She is hard working, highly skilled and effective advocate.’
Jack Rundall
1GC | Family Law
'Jack is a very good advocate. He speaks in a calm and considerate way, which instills confidence in his clients. He is robust without being overly aggressive and is very sensible in negotiations.'
John Schmitt
Deka Chambers
  ‘John has a calm and well-mannered approach. His preparation is always thorough and on time. He conducts his advocacy well by addressing the court and the opponent with well-reasoned arguments using the relevant law, practice direction or fact in the case.’
Elizabeth Selman
1 King’s Bench Walk
'Elizabeth is a brilliant children's advocate in even the most difficult and complex cases. She is a tower of strength to those instructing her, a tenacious advocate, and a down-to-earth, grounded, empathetic and strategic force with clients. She is an absolute go-to in difficult children cases.'
David Sharp
 ‘David is a very strong advocate who always has a thorough grasp of all the documents in a given case. His legal knowledge is incredible.’  
Daniel Sheridan
Harcourt Chambers
 ‘Daniel is always meticulous in his preparation. He is an excellent advocate. He is a real fighter whilst being pragmatic and gives very clear advice.’
Mani Singh Basi
'Mani is very committed and passionate about assisting clients. He is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the client receives the best possible advice and service. He is reliable and extremely knowledgeable in respect of private children's cases. He has excellent advocacy skills, particularly in cross-examination.'
Mark Smith
5 St Andrews Hill
'Mark is very diligent in his preparation of cases. He is also very committed to clients and goes out of his way to assist even post the hearing. He is very knowledgeable and has experience in private children's law matters.'
Amy Stout
‘Amy is unflappable. She is calm and focused in court but also tenacious when she needs to be. She delivers the best possible submissions for her clients and is persuasive.’
Anna Sutcliffe
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Anna is an excellent barrister who has a detailed knowledge of the law. She has a calm manner with clients and can reassure them. She delivers clear and pragmatic advice. Her written work is always fantastic, and she is a very efficient advocate.’
John Thornton
Coram Chambers
'A strong advocate who has a no-nonsense approach. He is particularly strong at representing fathers accused of posing a significant risk. His blunt style is powerful and effective.'
Martina van der Leij
Field Court Chambers
‘Martina is a go-to barrister with excellent forensic analytical skills to the table and brilliant client care skills. She is exceptionally kind, supportive and patient with vulnerable clients.’
Hena Vissian
The 36 Group
 ‘Hena is the consummate professional and always prepared for every case. She has a detailed grasp of her area of law and is able to quickly and accurately ascertain the issues in a case. Her advocacy skills and cross examination skills are exceptional. She swiftly updates her instructing solicitor and is generous with her time and knowledge.’
Anna Walsh
Coram Chambers
‘Anna is simply an excellent barrister. She is an all-rounder and a very safe pair of hands. Her advocacy is persuasive, and she has gravitas. Her drafting of documents is meticulous and comprehensive.’
Malek Wan Daud
Garden Court Chambers
'Malek is an approachable and intelligent advocate. He is a measured advocate who is easily able to discern his strongest points and advance them with skill and tact.'
Isabelle Watson
4 Brick Court
'Isabelle is a silk in waiting. Her forensic skills are second to none. Her case preparation is extraordinary. She always knows every detail of a case. She is an iron fist in a velvet glove.'
Sabuhi Chaudhry
Sabuhi Chaudhry
The 36 Group
'Sabuhi is a robust advocate and a tough negotiator. She always fights her client’s corner and is fearless in court. Her preparation is meticulous. In particular, the thoroughness of her position statements and pre-hearing briefings puts clients at ease.'
Shárin Diegan
Shárin Diegan
Goldsmith Chambers
‘Shárin is a strong, convincing and confident advocate. She works very well with vulnerable clients in particular, showing sensitivity and maturity throughout.’
Katherine Duncan
Katherine Duncan
Coram Chambers
  ‘Katherine is tenacious, compassionate and builds rapport with vulnerable clients very quickly. She delivers advice in simplistic terms and goes over and above to assist in progressing a case.’
Ummar Farooq Ahmad
Ummar Farooq Ahmad
4 Brick Court
 ‘Ummar is a strong advocate for his client. He is a realistic advocate when dealing with other parties. He is very easy to work with whatever side he is on but uncompromising when it comes to advocating for his client.’
Jacqui Gilliatt
Jacqui Gilliatt
4 Brick Court
‘Jacqui is highly experienced and very able. She is always willing to give advice and guidance when needed. She gives careful consideration to all of the issues. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge, which is invaluable.’
Jayne Harrill
Jayne Harrill
Pump Court Chambers
 ‘Jayne is an excellent advocate. She is always willing to listen to the client’s instructions, advise on the best way forward and present their case. Her preparation for a case, drafting and skill in the courtroom is exceptional.’
Camini Kumar
Camini Kumar
'Camini is a very clever lawyer and thinks about all angles of a case before deciding a course of action. Her advocacy is thoughtful and considered, and she has an ability to read a judge very well.'
Nairn Purss
Nairn Purss
4 Brick Court
‘Nairn is a highly experienced, articulate and clever barrister with a remarkable eye for detail, a deep understanding of human nature, a passion for advocacy and a tenacious style.’
Simon Rowbotham
Simon Rowbotham
 ‘Simon is very caring over his clients and cases. His attention to detail is second to none. His written work is very strong and detailed. He is a very strong advocate.’ 
Justin Tadros
Justin Tadros
4 Brick Court
 ‘Justin is an excellent advocate. He prepares thoroughly and has great attention to detail.’
Kemi Ojutiku
Kemi Ojutiku
5 Pump Court
'Kemi can put the client's case effectively.'
Annie Sayers
Annie Sayers
Deans Court Chambers
‘Annie has an excellent manner and is very well liked amongst clients. She is kind and emphatic with clients, and her advocacy is always calm and measured without ever being aggressive.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Elisabeth Andrews
1GC | Family Law
'She has a lovely manner with clients and is a pleasure to work with. Her position statements are always detailed and she has an exceptional knowledge of case law. I would recommend Liz to any colleague.'
Annabel Barrons
1GC | Family Law
'Annabel is a conscientious barrister who strives to provide the best possible advice to clients and her instructing solicitors. She is thorough and has an eye for detail in all that she does. Her advocacy, similar to her written work, is considered and confident.'
Lily Cooke
Field Court Chambers
‘Lily is a compelling advocate. She prepares thoroughly and knows her cases inside out. She is well-regarded by other professionals and court staff.’
Niamh Daly
1GC | Family Law
'Niamh is an excellent advocate, very confident on her feet. Her preparation is second to none. She is an excellent communicator with clients to put them at ease. She is a rising star, definitely one to watch.'
Victoria Halsall
1 King’s Bench Walk
‘Victoria is an exceptional advocate and takes a pragmatic but tenacious approach to cases. She is well prepared and builds an excellent relationship with a client and instructing. She tackles difficult matters with ease and confidence.’
Elin Hughes
4 Brick Court
 ‘Elin is extremely talented at her job. She is able to develop a good rapport with clients and has produced excellent work, including a skeleton argument on a complex fact-finding case. She is very approachable and will go over and above for clients. She is a brilliant advocate.’
Savannah Laurent
Field Court Chambers
‘Savannah prepares meticulously for a difficult case in front of a difficult tribunal. Her cross-examination of the experts is thorough and careful, and she does everything possible to present her client’s case in the best possible light.’
Anna Lavelle
1GC | Family Law
‘Anna is extremely thorough. She has a great manner with clients that instantly puts them at ease. She is very responsive, and her advocacy is calm, measured and convincing, one to watch.’
Lucy Logan Green
'Lucy has a very analytical and forensic approach to cases and is always very well-prepared. She works very hard for her clients and can think carefully about how to ensure that they are fairly and properly represented.'
Ann Osborne
42BR Barristers
 ‘Ann is a strong advocate who demonstrates considerable sensitivity towards her vulnerable clients. She fights with great determination.’
Thomas Pye
4 Brick Court
 ‘Thomas has a reassuring manner and quickly puts clients at ease. He is thorough and knowledgeable and argues the case persuasively.’ 
Emma Spruce
‘Brilliant advocate. Makes excellent judgment calls on her feet. Respected by the Judiciary and opponents for her technical skills and likeable personality. An all round safe pair of hands.’
Madeleine Whelan
The 36 Group
'Madeleine is a fierce defender of her client's case and is persuasive in her advocacy. Her quick grasp of the facts of a case and ability to assimilate complex information is very impressive.'
Samuel Prout
Samuel Prout
New Court Chambers
‘Samuel has excellent communication and interpersonal skills, alongside the ability to express arguments and ideas clearly. He goes above and beyond to prepare for cases.’
Rebecca Davies
Rebecca Davies
Field Court Chambers
‘Rebecca is hard-working, fair and a pleasant opponent.’